Elofsson had saved choice tidbits, songs that would have been guaranteed hits with established artists.
The movie reconstructs choice tidbits of the testimony given by a tiny sampling of victims, all but one of them black.
Both Shelby and Slomon winced at this choice tidbit of reminiscence.
"We'll be in a devil of a mess, should the gossips get hold of that choice tidbit."
The girl herself goes out and selects a choice human tidbit for the lion's sacrificial gift.
What Atsuko Abe would make of this choice tidbit was a matter to speculate darkly about.
Fed this choice tidbit, the class purred with satisfaction.
The intelligent animal had learned that certain actions invariably brought additional choice tidbits.
Then the lights were distributed, the choice tidbits going to the warriors and the children.
That was a choice tidbit of information, but she kept silent about it.