Many other places in Rome, including churches, offer classical concerts, ballets, choir concerts and chamber music, especially at Christmas time.
Choir funding has two main sources, members' subscriptions (payable quarterly) and ticket revenue from choir concerts.
This group also performs at the choir concerts, and competes in a region competition in the spring.
The Reagan choir also had their own song sung at the conclusion of choir concerts, graduation and other school events.
The event will culminate to a massive choir concert where over 10 000 children will sing together for environment and forthcoming summer in Finland.
After a week, it looked like Alex would not be returning in time for Damon's choir concert and so he calls home.
Today, the site is open year-round to visitors and is occasionally used for choir concerts and church services.
And the sanctuary is usually silent, except during the High Holy Days and occasional choir concerts.
You know I had the choir concert last Saturday?
Emily finds Ezra (now a school teacher) at his kid's choir concert at a park and stops him as he passes by.