While the orchestra begins the piece with a short prelude in F major, the choir enters in F sharp minor, to "stunning" effect.
In the Girls' Procession, a choir of young girls, wearing dresses shaped like lilies, ceremonially enters bearing candles.
As this choir shifts into rhythmic counterpoint, the second choir, trumpet, and oboes enter.
The choir enters late in the piece, picking up the Stravinskian melody sketched by the chords.
The movement changes mood often, most noticeably when the choir enters.
There was a door to the left of the present organ through which the choir entered.
The choir enters in the second movement using text from Psalm 27.
The choir enters in a unison statement.
As the ethereal choir entered towards the end of "Neptune," the front door rattled open and Paul rushed in.
Applications on tape were accepted from amateur choirs of 10-50 people, aged 13 years or older, and around 1,000 choirs entered the competition.