Beef and chocolate should be restricted, although not necessarily eliminated, on a cholesterol-lowering diet.
Be active and eat a cholesterol-lowering diet in addition to taking this medicine.
But if a cholesterol-lowering drug could prevent heart attacks, then a low-fat, cholesterol-lowering diet should do the same.
The number urged to go on cholesterol-lowering diets rose to 65 million, from 52 million.
As millions of Americans have already discovered, a cholesterol-lowering diet can actually increase the variety and interest of your meals, not detract from them.
In addition, researchers have found, lovastatin works best in conjunction with a cholesterol-lowering diet.
The number who should be on cholesterol-lowering diets is raised to 65 million from the current 52 million.
The panel also urged these high-risk people to follow cholesterol-lowering diets, exercise and lose weight.
He said, however, that cholesterol-lowering diets are safe and he would recommend them to older people.
For one thing, he said, a cholesterol-lowering diet can enhance the effectiveness of the drug.