Only 4 of 13 studies in people have found a cholesterol-lowering effect from drinking green or black tea.
However, in a larger, better designed study the same authors could not reproduce the cholesterol-lowering effects.
In fact, any cholesterol-lowering effects would result from soluble fiber.
More on the Chinese red-yeast-rice supplement and its cholesterol-lowering effect.
And many studies have shown that nuts have powerful cholesterol-lowering effects.
Longer-term studies extending up to 85 weeks showed that the cholesterol-lowering effect could be sustained.
Recent studies show nattō may have a cholesterol-lowering effect.
But studies have been done on the cholesterol-lowering effects of specific foods besides oat bran.
Cholesterol-lowering effect of soy protein in normocholesterolemic and hypercholesterolemic men.
But the researchers found that many people could get the same cholesterol-lowering effects, without an increase in side effects, by taking higher doses of lovastatin.