You choose about six dishes, all cold or at room temperature, then go to your table, where they soon appear.
Marketing overhead - To determine this number, studios usually choose about 10% of all advertising costs.
Marshal what forces I chose from the energies about me.
I was, she told me, free to do as I chose about that matter.
But many Venetians choose pizza and beer, about $25 for two.
From these, she chose about 75 actors for each part and called them in to read a scene from the show.
He chose a spot about four feet from the end of the ledge and leaned his back up against the wall.
A pediatrician, for example, will choose information about children.
Staff members and students photographed the river, choosing about eight images from each season to use in the product design.
They will be able to choose from 4,000 albums, about half of Sony's music catalogue.