Consequently, wives may choose abstinence as birth control, but husbands are not permitted to decline their wives if they are not in niddah.
If you do not choose abstinence and are sexually active, always be prepared.
In fact, many teens are choosing abstinence (not having sexual intercourse) until they are older and in long-term, committed relationships.
WebMD takes a look at the benefits of choosing abstinence and provides tips to help you avoid being pressured into doing something you may regret.
There are many good reasons to choose abstinence, including:
She does not believe in abortion, so she is choosing abstinence.
Although Dorothy chooses abstinence as her prevention strategy, the play frankly discusses condom usage and the Wicked Witch is killed by being suffocated with a giant condom.
So the Mahatma chose sexual abstinence after twenty-four years of sexual activity.
There are probably other billboards with assorted kids with various dreams who have likewise chosen abstinence.