They choose cases that are of legal significance or to unify lower court decisions.
After the contestant has selected a "Deal", the game continues and the contestant chooses cases as normal, to see if the decision made was correct.
The automakers will choose specific cases in different states and try to have state courts hold pretrial hearings on the science.
Bracton chose cases based on his admiration for the judges involved, and wanted to make examplars of their logic.
The contestant then begins choosing cases that are to be removed from play.
It often winds up choosing cases based on its perception of their public impact rather than their importance as fraud cases.
Not choosing enough cases to review: Senator Arlen Specter said the Court should "decide more cases".
They focused on areas like deregulation, choosing cases they could realistically win in the courts.
Instead of soft, pliable satchels, many are choosing hard-framed, and sometimes hard-sided, cases.
So an organization supported by a local bar association gives up its freedom to choose cases if it takes $1 in Federal funds.