Every four years the remaining citizens would hold municipal elections and choose officers from amongst themselves.
The Association of National Advertisers chose new officers for the coming year.
It didn't surprise Teldin that the gnomes would be redundant in choosing officers.
The king chose several officers to assist him, and unilaterally granted them their powers.
The number of men was fixed at six hundred distributed in four companies for which the military command would choose the officers and non-commissioned officers.
Godliness, devotion to the cause, and efficiency were indeed the only criteria Cromwell applied in choosing officers.
Captains don't choose first officers simply to help them run the ship.
The unit, comprising some 90 carefully chosen young officers, began to come together about three years ago, officials said.
Each House shall choose such other officers as it may deem necessary.
The priests are personally responsible for choosing officers for the Karsite army.