Sharp chose poems published in 2001 from these poets:
The Ex-Sovereign's recent decisions make it appear he is choosing men rather than poems- a questionable procedure.
So I also chose poems with stylistic elements that pleased me.
A Civil Celebrant allows you to choose readings, poems and music based on your own values, wishes and beliefs.
For example, he set a standard poem length of 25 words because voters were overwhelmingly choosing short poems over long in "a bid for coherency," he said.
The aim, she said, is to choose poems that will be varied, exciting and relevant.
The prince had chosen poems from the older anthologies and set each of them down in three short lines.
Considering that Schubert wrote more than 600 songs in his truncated life, many at top speed, he did remarkably well at choosing poems to set.
"I chose poems that don't require deep excavation to be understood," he said.
I sold bottles of sorrow, then chose poems and novels.