Her knife-strokes were the short, sharp, chopping motions of an experienced butcher dismembering meat.
Instead of inserting the card in one smooth, quick movement, as is customary, Mr. Morse made what appear to be chopping motions.
She replied angrily, "I gave my entire life for my people," and made chopping motions with her hand.
It caught the moonlight as the maniac made small, chopping motions with it, his tiny black eyes glinting with anticipation of the fun ahead.
In preaching, she, too, has inherited some of the same gestures as her father, like his emphatic, two-handed, chopping motions.
Discussing a group of sculptures, she made chopping motions in the air.
Finally he made chopping motions.
He told The Times that during a meeting with three British agents he made chopping motions with his hands to signal his treatment.
Mention of their master led them into some kind of joke which involved chopping motions with their hands around their mouths and their groins.
Maya made chopping motions as she walked forward, and said into the mikes, "Quiet!