Whitfield, on the other hand, merged traditional gospel with stylish piano performances, riveting rhythmic sections, melodic choral harmonies and musical arrangements.
During the Reconstruction era, the spiritual, previously passed down by oral tradition, acquired another layer, in the form of hymnlike choral harmonies.
In November 2009, the band described its style as "a combination of drivey indie folk and choral harmonies".
His melodies are generally graceful, particularly when he is writing in a lyrical theater style, and his choral harmonies are simple but effective.
The music hall was capable of seating 3,000 persons and was opened in 1850 by Hullah, the founder of a new "school of choral harmony".
In reaction to industrialism and Victorian repression, the young man who never grows old led "the whole earth in choral harmony."
The song is piano-led with instrumentation that includes many traditional Christmas elements such as orchestral chimes, choral harmonies and string lines.
His compositions often combine rich choral harmonies and include participation of the congregation (and the occasional archbishop).
The smallness of the piece is a departure for the composer, who usually works with big choral harmonies.
Mr. Davis's setting draws on everything from openly consonant choral harmonies to jagged jazz rhythms and stretches of mild dissonance.