He frequently leads choral workshops in Italy and abroad.
Kaiser conducts choral workshops and performs solo as well.
During his studies he became an experienced oratorio soloist, and also organized choral workshops in Germany and Switzerland.
It is the work with which he inaugurated his series of choral workshops at Carnegie Hall in 1990, an event still hailed by aficionados.
In 1990, it established a permanent relationship with the conductor Robert Shaw, as part of his annual choral workshop at Carnegie Hall.
Thursday's performance was the latest result of Robert Shaw's periodic choral workshops at Carnegie Hall.
It wasn't broke, exactly, but you can't really blame Carnegie Hall for tinkering with its annual choral workshop.
Also in 1945, still under Waring's auspices, Mr. Shaw undertook the first of his many choral workshops.
Robert Shaw is no longer with us, but the valuable choral workshops he ran so well at Carnegie Hall live on through surrogates and survivors.
This can be participating in various choral workshops in Wales or even singing in care facilities for the elderly.