Accordingly, Mr. Mitchell laid out a choreographed sequence today, with General de Chastelain calling this afternoon for paramilitary groups to appoint representatives to his commission, and the parties scheduled to make cooperative statements Tuesday pledging to work together to put the peace agreement into practice.
The action will use a choreographed sequence of firings of eight thruster engines during a period of about 175 minutes beginning at 3 p.m. PST (6 p.m. EST or 2300 Universal Time).
And all of it is served in choreographed sequences by a well-drilled staff that is very much a part of the spectacle.
That likely means casting several men as John in different stages of his career and including "choreographed sequences using John's biggest hit songs."
If they consent, their action will begin a choreographed sequence of events to permit the power-sharing government set up under the Good Friday Agreement of 1998 to be restored.
Then we blocked, ducked, punched; eventually Mr. Garland strung moves together into choreographed sequences, until we had a fairly involved dance routine going.
The overhead shots of these elaborate choreographed sequences became iconic, especially for Williams and choreographer Busby Berkeley.
She is also shown dancing in her black dress and performing a choreographed sequence with many other dancers.
The karate class that Daniel Povzhitkov attends begins in meditative silence, then explodes into the kata, a choreographed sequence of blocking, kicking and punching.
Three-man teams shoot and advance in a choreographed sequence, directing a steady volume of fire at the outpost.