After removing the veil, she moved with quiet dignity through choreographic sequences suggesting loss, sorrow and resignation.
Too many of their choreographic sequences degenerate too soon into mere clumsiness.
"Interrupted River" possessed sporadically interesting choreographic sequences.
Nonetheless, the choreographic sequences that are moved from one piece to another are clearly recognizable, and the entire evening has tracked these displacements.
This, the work's most impressive choreographic sequence, begins with the entrance of an imposing, robed woman.
On the other hand, where else can you see two men condensing the entire experience of "Riverdance" into a choreographic sequence that lasts only seconds?
Its images were so generalized that what eventually mattered was not the significance of the choreographic sequences but rather their purely visual appeal.
Nevertheless, there were moments when the nonstop rejoicing threatened to grow tiring, and some of the choreographic sequences were predictable.
But whereas the musical phrases flowed effortlessly along, some of the choreographic sequences looked contrived.
Wearing simple costumes by Kay Stuntz, they thrashed through choreographic sequences that acknowledged such grim facts of life as suffering, loss and mortality itself.