Several of the six honed their choreographic skills performing in major dance companies.
Opokou N'ti, with real skills choreographic was blessed by Joe Christy to "liberate" (dance) to the city of Abobo to demand "teachers" who had invited them to fraternize.
Clarke found ample opportunities to develop her choreographic skills and was rarely without a project either in America or abroad.
New Yorkers discovered Mr. Page's choreographic skills in 1999, when the repertory for the Australian Ballet's season at the City Center included his "Rites."
And such are the curators' choreographic skills that these and other disparate objects - 47 in all - do not compete with but rather enhance one another.
Maybe Ms. Hodson's problems with her critics have more to do with their disdain for her choreographic skill than with her historical research.
Walson Botelho, the company's co-founder, and Jose Carlos Arandiba, its artistic director, enlisted Amelia Conrado's choreographic skill in theatricalizing festive ceremonies from the Amazon.
"A Vignette for Martha" again showed off Genia Melikova's striking choreographic skills, her ability to make student dancers look good.
But too frequently the dances' ambitions exceed the rather slender choreographic skills.
Their annual concert, "Danco on Danco" allows the students to demonstrate their dance and choreographic skills acquired through the Instruction and Training Program.