As was chosen uniformly at random, and define an LSH scheme for the Jaccard index.
Once the degree of the check block is known, the blocks from the composite message which it is attached to are chosen uniformly.
Moreover, this sequence can be chosen uniformly convergent.
Then, each crack spreads in two opposite directions along a line through the initiation point, with the slope of the line chosen uniformly at random.
So a random generator matrix of size contains elements which are chosen independently and uniformly over the field .
If a plane through the center is chosen uniformly at random, a disk will be crossed with probability proportional to its radius.
Let u be a page chosen uniformly at random from the pages in existence before this step.
Key: vectors chosen independently and uniformly at random in .
A function is said to be regular if, for an input chosen uniformly at random from the domain, the output is distributed uniformly over the range.
Suppose each element in the universe receives an integer weight , each of which is chosen independently and uniformly at random from .