Standing water suggested chronic flooding, but Mr. Lerner suspected that there might be another cause.
A period of decline in the late 60's and 70's struck the once-bustling downtown area, but even chronic flooding couldn't stem development in shoreline areas.
It is intended to end chronic flooding along the river from the dam in Wayne Township upstream through Oakland, where more than 300 families live.
From 1680 to 1685, he struggled to overcome the chronic flooding that afflicted the ducal silver mines in the Harz Mountains, but did not succeed.
Surveys have documented that the problem is widespread throughout the subcontinent, including the plains regions, where chronic flooding has leached iodine from the soil.
The project is intended to relieve chronic flooding in an area at the bottom of a hill.
The first major drainage project was begun in 1590, with the aim of eliminating the chronic flooding that plagued Mexico City.
The Trinity also suffered from chronic flooding: floods occurred in 1844, 1866, 1871, and 1890, but none were as severe as the flood of 1908.
A priority has been fixing the pumps that prevent chronic flooding in this low-lying river city.
"Our objective was to eliminate the chronic flooding suffered by many residents downstream."