Because of the relatively assembly line method behind Chinese oil exploration in the years following 1950 a bulleted, chronological presentation would better suit the information.
Here, at any rate, given the chronological presentation, is the big finish: the Eighth and Ninth Symphonies.
The recitals were not a chronological presentation; instead, each included works from different periods in Beethoven's life.
The book is a chronological presentation of Rand's life, followed by an epilogue discussing the influence of Rand and her ideas.
Moving on to the chronological presentation to the right of the introductory room, visitors proceed - in the interest of traffic flow - from late to early.
Because this is not a league table of merit and because overlaps make a chronological presentation awkward, they are presented here in alphabetic order under the two main disciplines.
Strict chronological presentation of dated citations is at best a lexicographic Procrustean bed, at worst very misleading.
In addition to temporary exhibitions and the organization of events, the museum houses a permanent exhibition that shows a chronological presentation of the war events.
The most impressive work is Siemon Allen's "Stamp Collection," which reviews 100 years of South African history through a chronological presentation of the country's postage stamps.
Note that Bullough's texts and translations of other authors are collected after the chronological presentation.