"I was speechless," said the boy we remember as the chubby kid sitting with his father at Yankee Stadium several years ago.
Was it a little guy and a chubby kid with bad skin?
A chubby kid with long black hair was slumped against the bed.
The schoolyard bully had picked on the chubby kid again, but this time had discovered a big brother who wasn't afraid.
Zack was no longer the chubby, apple-cheeked kid Dan had first met.
He's the chubby kid in the back of the picture with a scowl on his face.
But I also saw a short, chubby kid shoot several balls completely over the backboard while practicing foul shots.
"How about a special school for chubby kids?"
I especially winced at the distressed parents of the chubby kid.
Chad's appearance is a chubby kid with red hair and freckles.