He shut Bell's door behind him, chuckling happily while he hobbled down the corridor.
Presently she chuckled happily against his lips and whispered, "Surprised?
He chuckled happily and popped a toffee into his mouth, as did his professor friend.
He looked at them for a moment, and dropped the new sunstone in among them, chuckling happily.
The beam was bright white, even in the overhead lights, and he sucked his teeth and chuckled happily.
Yeamon chuckled happily and poured the ice in a tub beside the door.
Unknowing, she hummed aloud with pleasure and Arnwheet chuckled happily on her back.
He chuckled happily, dark eyes glowing with an unnatural excitement.
When it was suggested that ball girls mainly intrigued men, he chuckled happily.
Even Jabez Stump chuckled happily as he splashed water into the air.