When dispute arose, government decided that the church should ask the courts to decide to whom the interest is to be paid.
But the idea that the church, after 70 years of repression, was asking for renewed state controls, troubled many.
The altar inside was added when the first Anglican church asked to use the building.
Group tours must be reserved at least one month in advance and, for large groups, the church asks $10 per person.
Certain Protestant churches have also asked for official recognition under this agreement.
The church is asking itself even larger questions.
Courts have often been quick to comply when the church asked that records of abuse cases be sealed from public view.
A while later, the church asked if she'd start a soup kitchen.
The church is also asking for contributions from other Lutheran churches in the area.
With some 1,737 graves in the graveyard the church asked the local council to take over the maintenance of the grounds.