The first of the many church bombings that were to come occurred on the morning of August 4, 2003, that left 19 worshippers dead.
Michael loses his wife after she is murdered in the aftermath of a church bombing.
But it was the church bombings that struck a singular note in the history of the 15-month insurgency.
Some of the same men involved in the church bombings are also thought to have been involved in the attack in Bali.
The church bombings were carried out by criminals ?
He is especially worried that the church bombings will bring a new wave of refugees.
In addition to the church bombings, other scattered violence occurred across Iraq.
After the church bombing, the government promised a swift investigation and a report that was to have been finished by early April.
No one was killed or injured in the church bombings on Saturday, Iraqi officials said.
When the little children lost their lives in the church bombing, the nation cried, 'Where is God?'