Seeing Tully was stung by the reference to ancient church canon long since abandoned, Kulgan softened his tone.
According to church canon, Catholics over the age of 14 are required to abstain from meat on Fridays.
Blake revised the church canons, seeking to craft a model of authority that combined a singular and communal approach.
He defended his rights, as dictated by the church canons.
The church canon did not allow a place where a man had been killed to be used for worship, but according to some records services were held in it.
A black granite tombstone now identifies him as the founder of the heliocentric theory and also a church canon.
He did, however, vigorously defend his rights, as dictated by the church canons.
Damian also informed them that the church canons ban those that eat before communion from partaking of the Eucharist.
Their positioning was in horizontal layers according to the church canon.
She managed to persuade Sullivan of this plan when she promised to write into the play the part of a church canon for him to play.