His name was spelled wrong in the church directory as "Jodper".
He called phone numbers on a church directory and eventually secured an introduction to Bob Smith (doctor), an alcoholic Oxford Group member.
His father is an advertising salesman, based in Kenner, for Guide Book Publishing, which specializes in church directories.
Supporters were asked to supply the Bush-Cheney campaign with church directories so it could make sure these churchgoers were registered and planning to vote.
"Look what I found," Buck said, thrusting the old church directory under her nose.
He dug into his pocket and pulled out the church directory.
It publishes a local church directory and a calendar of events, publishing African American events throughout the city.
When he finally got to his feet, it wasn't to go find a church directory and see if any of the names jogged his memory.
It contained the church directory, officers, announcements, marriages, deaths and current information about church activities.
She pointed to a page torn from the church directory with a color photo of Mr. Winkler and said, "That was a good man."