From church pulpits throughout the state on Sunday, preachers urged voters to vote.
The church pulpit, dating to 1550, is the oldest surviving pulpit in Finland.
He painted the church pulpit in the Lohtaja church in 1758.
He resigned that post about 1725, after a dispute over the placement of the church pulpit.
He delivered his toughest talks on welfare from church pulpits.
They were even invited to speak from church pulpits, discreetly not mentioning a certain effervescent liquid.
"I just got opportunity, thank God," she said, and an organ chord swelled behind her as if she were in a church pulpit.
The church pulpits are pounded for Republicans, and organized labor is down to a fraction of workers.
Mr. Ballenger said he never addressed this topic from a church pulpit and that he made his points "peacefully."
We hear it from church pulpits and political platforms.