Among recent projects were 12 major church renovations and seven new churches, he said.
The church renovation in 1986 included removal of a reredos (high altar) in the sanctuary.
In 1989, a major church renovation was initiated by Msgr.
The church renovations occurred over 2 periods: once between 1887 to 1907 and again in 1962, when the west tower was rebuilt.
He received fewer commissions, although he did complete some smaller monuments, fountains and church renovations in the 1950s.
During the period 1913-1918, the church underwent an extensive church renovation and restoration.
He said the $50,000 from PTL was used for church renovations.
Physical church renovation was done and the construction of the Parish Pastoral Center took place.
Profits raised from the new printing press will be used for church renovation.
In January 1998, an amendment was made which delegated presidential authority to issue permits for church renovation to the country's 26 provincial governors.