Comstock aroused intense loathing from early civil liberties groups and intense support from church-based groups worried about public morals.
He moved to Chicago in 1985 to work for a church-based group seeking to improve living conditions in poor neighborhoods.
Blackhall has numerous community and church-based groups including a bowling club, two Probus groups, and a horticultural society.
Peter Brandt, director of issue response at Focus on the Family, a church-based conservative group, called the report "ideology disguised as science from the beginning to the end."
The new center is wielding ever more power through instant polls, focus groups and an active presence in mainstream environmental, consumer and church-based groups.
Witness for Peace, a church-based group opposed to the contras, has organized campaigns both in Managua and in the United States aimed at influencing undecided members of Congress.
Representatives of the coalition, which also includes church-based groups, labor organizations, housing advocates and organizations that work with the homeless, have taken their concerns to every gubernatorial candidate and state legislator.
There are a number of church-based groups which are under serious threat because of their work in support for justice and peace.
He said the city should play a greater role in supporting and coordinating the work of church-based groups that supply health care for the elderly and the poor.
There, he became involved with church-based nonprofit groups that work to provide housing and support to poor families in the city [source: 60 Minutes].