That was DeWitt's story, a farmer by trade, a veteran, a family man with grandchildren, a Scoutmaster in his earlier days, a Rotarian, a church-going man, and a loyal Louisianan.
Mr. Campbell, he didn't do that 'for Chrissake'-Arden's not a church-going man.
I know that you are a church-going man, a law-abiding citizen, a family man, a successful and respected attorney, a respected member of your community, and an army veteran.
"I'm not exactly a church-going man," he blurted, "but- Yes, I suppose I do believe it."
Although they met several times a day and were on good terms, the chief superintendent always felt uncomfortable in the commander's presence: he was an earnest, church-going man who never laughed, never drank, never swore and rarely showed emotion.
My grandfather was also a fairly serious church-going man and this also contributed to his ideas.
Mr. Morales, his new supervisor, was a church-going man who became involved in the Promise Keepers, an evangelical Christian movement for men.
A middle-aged church-going man, good husband and father of three school-age daughters, on his way to work, dressed in clean, starched overalls and an army jumper, heard the tapping of her heels on the pavement when he stepped from his ground-floor tenement.
Peter Matthiessen's Watson tells his hired hand, Henry Thompson, that he escaped further prosecution because "I had a good reputation with the merchants, quiet church-going man who paid his bills, and so the local papers took my side."
Not a church-going man to my knowledge.