"It wants the church talking with one voice, especially when addressing church-state issues."
He has indicated a strong affinity for the Court's most conservative wing in two key areas: church-state issues and affirmative action.
On the other hand, he has not gone out of his way to make statements that we consider hostile on church-state issues.
This assumption is not so misguided in the eyes of many who deal with church-state issues.
This brought him to national attention, and raised important church-state issues.
From the mid-1980s, Robbins became increasingly focused on legal and church-state issues related to new religious movements.
In addition to resolving these differences, Congress still needs to address a lingering church-state issue.
Some of the homes were temporarily closed in 1973 because Roloff refused on church-state issues to license the home through the state government.
The Conservatives and the Liberals, began to coalesce around the church-state issue.
Leaders of the two groups have also clashed over church-state issues like prayer in schools.