"A correct church-state relationship in a Socialist state can only be of benefit to socialism."
There's no church-state relationship here.
The presentation of the legislation prompted a bitter dispute between church and Government leaders and what some analysts called a crisis in the church-state relationship.
At the same time, Ms. Diego indicated that the improving church-state relationship would not make the Government any less vigilant toward those it sees as potential transgressors.
His father, Johannes Bosscha Sr. (1797-1874), was a professor of history and literature and also was minister of church-state relationships in two governments (1853-1861).
This lasted until 1968, when the constitutionality of such church-state relationships was challenged.
The Synod was intended, presumably, to mirror the church-state relationship in the Lutheran countries of northern Europe.
For this highly publicized conference on church-state relationships, W.A.M. was to share the rostrum with such notables as President Herbert Hoover and Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd.
A widely publicised set of corruption scandals in 2004 implicating a small group of senior churchmen also increased national debate on introducing a greater transparency to the church-state relationship.
In addition to these efforts, Haile Selassie changed the Ethiopian church-state relationship by introducing taxation of church lands, and by restricting the legal privileges of the clergy, who had formerly been tried in their own courts for civil offenses.