A cigarette billboard on the side of a Brooklyn apartment building may have been the last of its kind, state officials said last week.
Remember the cigarette billboard that blew perfect smoke rings?
The idea behind the move was to reduce the amount of air time the cigarette billboard receives on television.
As I looked at the plateglass, the reflection of a cigarette billboard caught my eye.
"Can our first mission be to kill cigarette billboards?"
As we crossed through the centre of town, a small cigarette billboard caught my eye and dragged a hiss out of me.
"Well, two hypothetical people go out and alter a cigarette billboard."
In return for the billions and a ban on cigarette billboards, transit ads, and logoed merchandise.
This gets tricky: If cigarette billboards are legal, people will see them.
Nor would he address the criticisms of those black advocates who have painted over cigarette billboards in poor neighborhoods.