In Norway, cigarettes cost about $4 a pack, slightly more than in the other countries.
Behind him, a customer gave the cigar store man a dime more than his cigarettes had cost.
On reservations, without state taxes, the cigarettes cost just 80 cents a pack, less than half the price of big-name brands.
After the tax increase, cigarettes will cost an average of $2.75 per pack in New Jersey, the institute said.
Most cigarettes now cost between 95 cents and $1.75 a packet, with the Government receiving about 75 percent of the revenue.
The cigarettes cost the same as others, and research has found that smokers cannot detect a difference in taste.
You know that in 20 years, when cigarettes are either outlawed or cost $500 a pack, this will still be a smoky bar.
Now, with each cigarette costing nearly 40 cents, bumming a smoke is not so simple.
The less flammable cigarettes do not cost more to make.
My habit now runs about $9 a day for 24 pieces of gum, more than cigarettes ever cost me.