A separate bill is expected to be introduced soon that would raise cigarette prices by 15 percent - the biggest single increase ever in France.
Revenue rose 6.9 percent, to $4.22 billion, aided by higher cigarette prices.
He cut cigarette prices, watched the stock plummet and finally resigned.
The total settlement is expected to raise cigarette prices by 35 cents per pack over five years.
That proposal would increase cigarette prices by only 62 cents over 25 years.
In addition, cigarette prices may be declining, which would trim profits even more, she said.
And Congress may simply decide to raise cigarette prices through taxes, though that option is hardly its first choice.
Indeed, every six months for the last several years, tobacco companies have quietly increased cigarette prices by about 5 percent.
The results are also murkier than health officials would like because a price war in the tobacco industry cut local cigarette prices.
What has made cigarette prices go up so much?