A petty criminal in the mid 1950s, he evolved into a cigarette smuggler in the 1960s.
He offered me a job as his cigarette smuggler.
Contorno became a cigarette smuggler and heroin trafficker.
He worked as a money changer and cigarette smuggler to support his wife and six children.
After Mr. Hussein ordered that cigarette smugglers have one hand chopped off if caught, he dropped out of the business.
American intelligence officials say he is a major cigarette smuggler.
In 1999, Kennedy re-instituted a triple-tax penalty for cigarette smugglers that had been overturned by a lower court.
The cell was secretly followed by a team of five vehicles, which took turns driving behind the cigarette smugglers.
Far from the local extortionists of the past or even the contraband cigarette smugglers of the 90s, today s cammoristi have gone global.
Chuck defended a wealthy Native cigarette smuggler on conspiracy to commit murder.