He says he strove to make the songs cinematic, complete with scene-setting introductions, larger-than-life characters and atmospheric interludes.
He inspired cinematic characters, took ovations in restaurants and battled the Reagan administration officials who had appointed him.
The novel features "a sprawling cast of highly cinematic characters, an air of pungent menace, a full-to-bursting package held together by a strong, suspenseful plot," Mark Costello wrote in the Book Review in 2003.
The game does, however, include profiles of the original four Ghostbusters for gamers who wish to role-play the cinematic characters or have them appear as non-player characters.
After a lengthy search for a suitably 'cinematic' character, he finds the perfect gang and settles into their everyday rhythm.
The Smyrk has made a habit of composing songs about numerous topics, but most frequently, they write about literary and cinematic characters from comic books and sci-fi/cult films.
With his handlebar mustache and ability to elude phalanxes of law enforcement officials, Mr. Veerappan has often seemed a cinematic character himself.
From his "Do the Right Thing" journal, it is clear that Mr. Lee views his struggle to make films as a rough equivalent of the life battles with racism that his cinematic characters endure.
This intricate counterpoint weaves its way into the 20th century, when idleness almost seemed to be the major occupation of literary and cinematic characters.
In addition, his very celebrity, and the charm of his most recognizable cinematic character, seem to have encouraged a certain forgetfulness among the press and the public about the many blots on his record.