In the film's first and last burst of cinematic imagination, Mr. Wajda watches the train transporting Korczak and the children to Treblinka.
And DeMille's cinematic imagination was at its height, inventing such wonderfully touching moments as the first entrance of Jesus.
But had Gérôme been born 100 years later, chances are he would have become not a painter but a movie maker, given his cinematic imagination.
And most of the best yarns, he says, were written through the ages by people with cinematic imaginations.
The program, chosen by Mr. Scorsese, pairs many of the movies that stimulated his cinematic imagination with works of his that they influenced.
From the beginning of modern cinema, images of African Americans have played a primary role in the cinematic imagination of the West.
The source of the Lauren look, the author says, is "the literary and cinematic imagination."
The strategy allows him to flaunt a liberated cinematic imagination with nose-thumbing glee.
The film accents some neglected truths while avoiding others, proving that cinematic imagination can be empowered, or poorly served, by a selective memory.
In Mr. Svankmajer's cinematic imagination, a dialogue means much more than a conversation or a debate.