Rodriguez, an aficionado of cinematic technology, has used similar techniques in the past.
The cinematic technology involved in the movie - from dinosaur robots to digital animation - has made this probably the most anticipated event of the summer.
Widescreen cinematic technology, however, limited depth of field.
Méliès was one of the first directors to progress cinematic technology, which paved the way for narratives as style of film.
He dissolves, the same cinematic technology used to create him erasing him.
A century of development in theatrical and cinematic technology hasn't rendered the Victorian illusions obsolete, Kieve argues, because the thinking behind them was so sound.
The stereoscopic filmmaking was touted as a breakthrough in cinematic technology.
In the 1950's and 60's, new cinematic technologies gave opening credits even more to account for.
We have become used to visual spectacle in a time of astonishing advances in cinematic technology, with animated ants commanding the kind of attention once lavished on movie actors.
Sculptural and environmental objects would allude to Freud, the Middle East and cinematic technologies.