It is a cinematic view of a crenelated section of the sea wall that both shelters Havana and connects it to the Atlantic.
LEAD: THE cinematic view of the American expatriate in Paris appears bounded by two extremes.
Verse novels are often told with multiple narrators, potentially providing readers with a cinematic view into the inner workings of the characters' minds.
The controller screen shows the bird's-eye view of the experience, while the television screen offers up a cinematic third-person view of the bird as it glides through the environment.
You can drift along with light penetration, then slip into deep penetration or a cinematic view without any kind of transition, and readers usually won't notice the process.
Koldo asks Atun why is he still filming and destroys the camera, (From then on the film returns to a normal third-person cinematic view) and Koldo and the group begin to come up with a way to escape.
The Los Angeles Times review said; "It's downright misanthropic ...farcical drama with the most hostile cinematic view of Los Angeles since Crash.
But instead of the soot and smoke, you have an almost cinematic view of the sleek lines of the Eurostar trains as they slip alongside the platforms.
They were greeted by cinematic views of Los Angeles.
On August 31, another set of screenshots of the cinematic and in-game views were released.