Vassily was aimlessly circling the perimeter of the clearing.
They passed over three sharks circling aimlessly.
He circled aimlessly, crying openly, tears spilling down his cheeks.
With drooping tail and shivering body, very forlorn indeed, he aimlessly circled the tent.
One evening, a vague, vacant waiter aimlessly circled the dining room before plunking down what he thought were our entrees.
After striking the rock, the current boiled into an eddy, circling aimlessly.
A few sea gulls circled aimlessly overhead, but so far as Peter could see there were no people or houses.
Too many children were circling aimlessly in search of parents.
It circled aimlessly for a while, to elude possible pursuers.
He'd looked at it anyway - and seen the hand circling aimlessly, just as lost as he was!