Prospective shoppers circled around the large brick building to the back of the store, near the Dumpsters.
It is best known for its habit of entering buildings and circling near the center of rooms.
The charter bus got lost outside the airport, and we kept circling the roads near the banks of the river.
A boat circled near the entry point, but Patch did not appear.
However, as yet it circled near enough to stabilize that spin.
Its larger companion, presently circling near the top of the buildings, dove down in her direction.
Pasadena was circling near her position, almost an hour before firing time.
Giogi took to the air and circled over the fortress, near the large iron doors.
I doubted she saw the seagulls that circled near the ceiling, either.
Soon after, I noticed four men in a blue sedan circling our position near a small-town crossroads.