Only a typical lunk-headed heavy-handed ploy by the inner circle of poets was able to shut it down.
After his marriage to Pamperin, he was highly regarded by the circle of poets whom he befriended.
In the 1950s, Heide was once again the centre of a brilliant circle of younger artists and poets.
Lyon was an early centre for printing books, and nurtured a circle of 16th-century poets.
The circle of poets with known connections to the Scottish court include:
Ginzkey is numbered among the circle of newromantic poets and novelists.
He was not alone, however, as he had a regular circle of notable artists and poets from that era.
A circle of poets and writers gathered about the First Consul.
Yet, for reasons which his friends have never adequately explored, he attached himself to a wide circle of painters, sculptors, film makers and poets.
In poetry slam, the name given to a circle of poets who take turns reciting poems, usually occurring at an afterparty.