The parachutes opened and he followed the angled touchdown near the big white circle painted in the middle of the field.
His bold decision was rewarded a few moments later when they spied a double door with a melon-sized red circle painted in its center.
There was a circle painted on the ground, a big bullseye, and the one who landed the closest won.
It was built in 1967, with a bold yellow circle painted on the garage door, the local version of 60's supergraphics.
Except for the dark circles painted beneath her eyes, she was nearly perfect.
You know, the ones with the large circles painted on them.
"Jesse," for example, is a field of seven mostly anatomical drawings with a big brusque open circle and intersecting bar painted on top.
This time the optical element was a globe cut in half, with black concentric circles painted on it.
If I see any giant red circles painted on the ground, I'll be sure to give you a call.
"Stand in the circle painted on the road."