SilverSide brought her wings in, let herself drop lower as her optical circuits switched to a telephoto setting.
The gain is higher than at the end states (see below) and the circuit switches quickly.
The train maintains a circuit switched digital modem connection to the train control centre at all times.
Supercomputers get much of their power from the speed with which their circuits can switch on and off.
As opposed to earlier generations, 4G systems do not support circuit switched telephony.
It relies on measuring the supply current (Idd) in the quiescent state (when the circuit is not switching and inputs are held at static values).
I enjoy watching it this way, but-" He waved his hand and the circuit switched abruptly.
When digital circuits switch state, large current pulses flow from the integrated circuits through the ground circuit.
About 20 years ago, the company upgraded its circuit switches from analog to digital.
Next, the young inventor set the circuit switches to start the action tapes.