IAI claims this gives the weapon a circular error probable of 5 metres.
Although the wider swing causes a slight increase in period due to circular error, for the small amplitudes used in clocks this effect is negligible.
The missile had a circular error probable (CEP) of 2.7 km.
In terms of place, the historical standard was for the impact to occur within one circular error probable (CEP) of the designated target.
Intercept circular error thirty-seven point four feet.
The missile is estimated to have a circular error probable (CEP) of 10 meters.
We've got a circular error of probability over twenty miles wide.
With increasing altitude, the circular error of probability (CEP) also increased, resulting in decreased damage to the target.
The difference between this true period and the period for small swings (1) above is called the circular error.
See also circular error probable for application of precision to the science of ballistics.