Ploughing in 1974 removed remains of a circular moat and what may have been a fish pond, but did produce pottery from the 11th to 17th centuries.
The city of Sforzinda was laid out within an eight-pointed star inscribed within a circular moat.
There was a circular moat, but the castle was evidently nestled on a small hill.
The circular moat surrounded a circular structure flanked by six semi-circular towers.
He looked toward the boats, four of them, bathtub length, in a circular moat, two feet wide and holding six inches of water.
This shape is then inscribed within a perfect circular moat.
Have you any idea how dull it gets being confined to a circular moat?
A two-story metal structure, painted a vivid warning red, rose from inside the protection of a circular moat.
Its wall and turrets were set within a sparkling circular moat, which in turn was inside a ring of mountains.
Or perhaps it was only the top projection of a larger structure; it sat in a circular moat twenty meters wide and unguessably deep.