Min Ko Naing continued to organize protesters and circulate posters of the violence at Inya Lake.
They circulated posters seeking to paint King's candidacy as a glorified evangelical crusade.
In the run-up to the election, the Labour Party circulated posters it was considering using in the campaign to the subscribers of its email contact list.
To promote the gentler Guevara, Verso originally circulated posters of him licking an ice cream cone and gave the book a dust jacket blurb saying " 'Das Kapital' meets 'Easy Rider.' "
He and other musicians, colleagues and friends staged a demonstration and circulated posters opposing the eviction.
The New Jersey Attorney General's office is circulating posters in clubs and schools with a photograph of a rave and a caption that reads: "Narcs can dance."
Special permission is now required to circulate election pamphlets and posters.
It maintains the Statewide Missing Child Registry and assists the authorities in finding missing children by circulating missing-child posters and carrying out other activities.
The lawsuit seeks an injunction forbidding the defendants to circulate such posters or to have contact with abortion providers.