The critical issue is whether they can reverse the circulation decline and whether fascination with celebrity news has worn off.
Mr. Adler said the circulation decline was the first since a drop of 1,500 for a six-month period in 1992.
But he would provide no specific examples, saying simply that the British circulation decline was "a timely reminder that we have to keep evolving."
Some reporters wonder if an emphasis on local stories and light features, as well as cuts in newsroom staff, are to blame for the circulation decline.
But Mr. Horton said the newspapers have had to cut ad rates because of the circulation decline.
The article, however, did not report that the circulation decline resulted from the change in news emphasis or represented a completely negative development for the paper.
The circulation decline continued in December 2012 with 66,941 copies sold per day on average.
But even the acknowledged circulation decline of 24 percent could permanently hurt the papers.
In recent financial quarters, as advertising rose to flood tide levels, the circulation decline had no palpable effect on revenue.