Still a work in progress, Global has compiled citation formats for more than sixty countries.
Student's articles submitted through the journal writing competition are judged by the editorial staff, which considers factors such as legal analysis, argumentation, writing style, and citation format.
L. 73 (1999); n.b., abbreviated source in this legal citation format is the University of Pennsylvania Journal of Labor and Employment Law, Vol.
Event sentences and citation formats can be customized by the user.
These may be referred to as citation formats as well as citation styles.
Citation Styles (An online guide to different citation formats)
For example, such usage is specified in their citation formats of both the Chicago Manual of Style, and the Bluebook.
These two journals jointly publish the Australian Guide to Legal Citation, the most widely followed authority for legal citation formats in Australia.
The Matcher requires you enter the bibliographic information (journal, volume, page, etc.) in a specific citation format.
In addition, Kaiser and Shevoroshkin write the following about Proto-Nostratic grammar (two asterisks are used for reconstructions based on reconstructions; citation format changed):