Goldblatt cites writers, rather than visual artists, as his major influences.
Harris has cited artists including Stevie Wonder, Paul McCartney, and Prince as influences.
To underscore the point, she cites artists and writers in his debt, including the Pop artists for whom he had little regard.
Many of the initial industrial musicians preferred to cite artists or thinkers, rather than musicians, as their inspiration.
Kevin cites artists like Prince, Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder as some of his biggest musical influences.
They have cited artists such as Gang Starr and the Native Tongues Posse as influences for their work.
As one critic observes, citing assorted other artists who've worked with the same material, "human and animal excretions have gotten a real workout from the contemporary art crowd."
Grace cites artists like Christina Aguilera, Beyoncé and Britney Spears as early influences.
Angeline Quinto has cited various artists as influences to her musical style.
The brothers cite various artists as influences, including Björk, Simon & Garfunkel, and 20th century classical composers.